
Here you can find statistics about elePHPants.
461 users out of 960 registered have at least one elePHPant.

Ownership of elePHPants
Rank Name Ownership* Users Total
1 Blue - OpenGoodies Blue 38.18% 176 337
2 Enfys - Rainbow 37.53% 173 397
3 Original Blue - First Blue 37.09% 171 292
4 Symfony Black - Symfony Framework 33.41% 154 183
5 Phil Snow - ConFoo Web Techno Conference 32.75% 151 199
6 InPHPinity - PHP8 ElePHPant 31.02% 143 242
7 Pink - OpenGoodies Pink 31.02% 143 207
8 Symfony Gray - SymfonyCon 2019 29.72% 137 170
9 Pollita - PHP Roundtable 29.5% 136 176
10 Liona - Laravel 29.5% 136 157
11 Umoja - PHP Women 29.5% 136 174
12 Symfony 15 Years - Symfony Framework 15 Years 28.85% 133 193
13 The Joker - Le foo du roi: "The Joker" 27.98% 129 198
14 Archie - php[architect] 26.46% 122 137
15 Unity - Darkmira Tour PHP 2019 25.16% 116 346
16 MurPHPy - AmsterdamPHP 23.86% 110 132
17 Aida - phpday conference mascotte 22.99% 106 160
18 Molly - PHP Woolly Mammoth 22.34% 103 116
19 Jorvik - PHP Yorkshire 20.82% 96 672
20 Sonny Nexmo - Sunshine PHP Conference 19.52% 90 164
21 Original Pink - First Pink 19.09% 88 92
22 Cloudy - Linux for PHP 17.57% 81 92
23 Chloe - Roave 17.57% 81 85
24 Cody Blou - Shopware 17.14% 79 93
25 Chili - Zend Red, ZendCon 2013 16.92% 78 94
26 AFUP - AFUP 16.05% 74 85
27 Thelia - Thelia 15.84% 73 116
28 Zend PHP7 - ZendCon 2015 15.62% 72 83
29 PHPers - PHPers Summit 2019 15.18% 70 181
30 Janusz - PHPConPoland 14.75% 68 133
31 Dutch PHP - Dutch PHP Conference 14.1% 65 69
32 Archie - I'm a php[architect] 13.45% 62 85
33 Yomeva - Yomeva 10th Anniversary 13.02% 60 119
34 Upinside - Upinside School 13.02% 60 130
35 Luxy - PHPBenelux 12.8% 59 63
36 PHPClasses - PHPClasses 12.36% 57 82
37 PHPCon - PHP Conference Japan 2019 12.15% 56 93
38 Sonny - Sunshine PHP Conference 12.15% 56 62
39 CakePHP - CakePHP Framework 11.93% 55 58
40 ElPHPis - ZendCon 2016 11.5% 53 56
41 JePHPry - Check24 11.28% 52 65
42 CakeSF - Cake Software Foundation 11.28% 52 57
43 Hero - Heroku 11.06% 51 54
44 Cody Vuelette - Shopware 10.85% 50 53
45 PHPartner - Office Partner Elephpant 10.2% 47 65
46 Kellerkinder - Kellerkinder 10.2% 47 66
47 PhpStorm elephpant - PhpStorm elephpant 10.2% 47 48
48 Symfony 10 Years - Symfony Framework 9.98% 46 50
49 KaraFun - KaraFun 9.54% 44 46
50 Denim - ZendCon 2017 9.33% 43 45
51 Zend Framework - Zend Green 9.11% 42 46
52 Oscar - Oscar 6.72% 31 48
53 PHPCE - PHPCE 2018 6.72% 31 31
54 Zoe - ZendCon 2018 6.72% 31 33
55 Echo - Globalis 6.51% 30 52
56 Groundy - SiteGround elePHPant 5.64% 26 26
57 Savvy - safefive 5.42% 25 53
58 Magento - Magento 5.21% 24 24
59 Notive - Notive 4.77% 22 25
60 Alex - Vonage 4.77% 22 22
61 Zend Blue - ZendCon 2010 4.77% 22 24
62 Mollie - Mollie 4.56% 21 21
63 Ploi - Ploi 4.34% 20 272
64 Dutchie - DLF ElePHPant 3.9% 18 25
65 Z-Ray - ZendCon 2014 3.9% 18 18
66 Oracle - Oracle Blue 3.25% 15 18
67 Eddie - PHP UK 2.6% 12 15
68 PHPClasses Pink - PHPClasses 2.6% 12 15
69 CakeFest - CakeFest 2019 2.39% 11 12
70 Aubrey - Laracon US 2023 2.17% 10 10
71 PHPCon Grandpa - PHPCon Poland 2015 2.17% 10 11
72 CakeDC - CakeDC 2.17% 10 10
73 Sylius - Sylius eCommerce 1.95% 9 11
74 pHackyderm - HHVM 1.74% 8 9
75 Flexy - Dyflexis 1.52% 7 7
76 #Docler - Docler 1.52% 7 7
77 CMGT - ElePHPant for Alumni 0.87% 4 4
78 HaPHPy - Hand-crafted by V. Fanzutti for the Kenya PHP User Group 0.87% 4 4
79 Golden elePHPant - Golden 20 year PHP elePHPant 0.87% 4 4
80 PHPlashy - PHPVegas 0.65% 3 3
81 PHPStan - PHPStan 0.22% 1 1